General safety rules and regulations in Mobarakeh Steel Company

Employees are required to comply with all the company’s safety rules and regulations, some of which are as follows: – All employees need to use relevant instructions and maximum care in order to maintain their health and safety and the safety of others before taking any action. And consider the necessary safety measures.

Building Workshop Regulations

Chapter 1 – Purpose, scope and definitions A – Purpose: The purpose of this regulation is to prevent accidents leading to injuries and loss of life and property in construction operations and to ensure the safety and protection of manpower employed in workshops. It is a building.

Regulations and protection regulations for drilling manual wells

Chapter 1 – Definitions 1 – Manual wells: Manual wells in this regulation refer to those wells that, with the help of physical force and using traditional work tools, remain the wells, wells, mills, kilns, etc.

Steam generator of steam generators and hot springs

Definitions of Article 1: A) The generator of steam or steam boiler refers to a closed device or chamber in which water vapor is produced at a higher pressure than the external air pressure.

Regulations and protection regulations against the risk of ionizing radiation

Chapter 1: Definitions of Article 1: Ionizing Rays: Ionizing Rays are electromagnetic or particle beams that can produce ions when they pass through the material.

Regulations and protective regulations in the machines of Concours, Crusher and Mill The definitions of the alphabet – Concours – refers to the machine Concours, in which dry solids up to about one meter and a half thickness of 5 to a thickness of 3 pieces per piece as a result of pressure – impact or impact It happens

Safety regulations and regulations for mixing and blending machines for mixing barrels

Definitions: Machine-to-woman machines: Machine-to-woman machinery is an axial or park-shaped axis that moves or mixes liquids and other materials inside a tank or container for the purpose of mixing or mixing.

Software regulations and regulations for software machines

Chapter One – Drilling Machine, Machine in Lathe, Lathe Machine: Definition Alpha – Machine Drilling Machine is a tool on the axis of which the winning tools or sharp or grooved tip of the material is mounted, drilled or drilled for another.

Regulations, regulations, protection in casting, blacksmithing, welding

Definitions: Installation means the casting of equipment used to melt metal and bake it in a mold that, after cooling, becomes the desired shape. B. The purpose of the installation is to assemble tools, equipment and tools

Safety Machine of Sambadeh Machine

Chapter 1: Definitions of Sandpaper Machines – Polishing – Polishing – Stone Sanding: ‌ Sandpaper is composed of particles of soil, sandpaper, which is bonded to the engine, engineered, engineered, machined, industrial or industrial, glued together. The turn comes.

Facility and installation regulations for sawmills and sawmills

Part 1 – Definition of Barry Wood saws

Safety Regulations, Hazardous Materials, Flammable Materials and Explosives

Part I – Definitions and Terms of the alphabet

Fire prevention and control regulations in workshops

Article 1: Pursuant to Article 47 of the Labor Code, the regulations related to the prevention and control of fire in all workshops are compiled as follows. Chapter One – Preventing and Combating Firefighting Equipment

Safety regulations for electrical installations with ground connection

Section 1 – Generalities 1- The purpose is to create a safe environment in terms of electricity according to the regulations and instructions of this regulation. 2. The scope of application – this regulation for implementation in all workshops

Safety regulations for work on power lines and equipment

The theory that the need for other industries and facilities (such as hospitals, etc.) to use reliable and continuous power is increasing and that the power supply may cause damage to property and life-threatening risks, so reforms need to be changed.

Safety Regulations for Facilities and Electrical Equipment in Workshops

Definitions 1- Electrical wiring channels: All channels that are made of metal, building materials or other materials and are used for the passage of electrical conductors are called wiring channels.

Protection regulations against hazards of power transmission devices

Section 1: Article 1: All moving external parts of engines and equipment used for power transmission, as well as all hazardous parts of machinery in operation, must be protected.

Regulations on Personal Protective Equipment

Definition – Individual protection devices include: work clothes – aprons – metal hats (helmets) – work hats and headbands – welding masks and goggles and other types of masks – protective gloves and ear gloves – all kinds of belts – protective belts.

Regulations of the Committee for Technical Protection and Occupational Health

Article 1: In order to ensure the participation of workers and employers and to monitor the proper implementation of technical protection and occupational health regulations, the protection of the country’s manpower and material resources in the workshop
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