About Isfahan Mobarakeh Stone Steel


Company Name: Isfahan Sang Mobarakeh Steel Mining and Industrial Company
Registration number: 27
Place of registration: Congratulations
Registration Date: 11/05/1379
National ID: 10260064624

History of Isfahan Mobarakeh Stone Steel Company

With the beginning of the construction of Mobarakeh Steel Complex, since 1981, exploration operations for limestone mining, which is one of the raw materials required for steel production, have also started
Lime is used as a smelting, purifying and neutralizing agent for steel arc furnaces, so after the speculation and exploration phase, the fish pond area next to Mobarakeh Steel Complex is equipped as a mine and in 1991 the mining company And the fish pond industry was born.
After being assigned new responsibilities for the supply of all minerals used in the largest steelmaker in the Middle East, Mobarakeh Steel Complex, the company started its new chapter in 2011 with the title – Isfahan Mobarakeh Stone Steel Mining and Industrial Company.

The main activity of the company

The subject of the company’s activity according to Article 2 of the Articles of Association is exploration, extraction, exploitation of limestone mines, supply of metallic and non-metallic steel raw materials, purchase of machinery, equipment and facilities, consulting services and engineering, training and providing technical knowledge from inside or outside the country. Participate and invest in other companies and mining and industrial projects and deal with all business matters such as buying and selling, exporting and importing, obtaining and assigning royalties for exploration areas and mining licenses, exploration, equipping and operation of metal and processing mines. Minerals, horizontal and general aggregation with continuous and dependent industries, risky investment in the subject of the company’s activity, purchase and sale of shares and all operations that are necessary directly or indirectly for the company’s activity. According to the exploitation license No. 172/80/1201 dated 02/18/1380 issued by the Ministry of Mines and Metals, the exploitation of the mine and the production of granulated limestone with a capacity of at least five hundred thousand tons per financial year for extracting limestone from the mine has begun.

Company Mission

Supply of raw materials needed by the steel industry, including limestone, iron and dolomite, for the country’s steel industry, focusing on the needs of Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company and its subsidiaries


Maintaining the current position as the largest producer of limestone in the country and providing 80% of the needs of Mobarakeh Isfahan Steel to Dolomite
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